The following Terms and Conditions of Privacy are adopted for the confidentiality, protection and other issues of the information provided by our customers to our website at ("Our Site"). By accessing or using any information on this website, you agree to the following terms.

VİKİNG KAĞIT ve SELÜLOZ A.Ş. and / or Yaşar Group Companies do not disclose, sell, rent and / or use the data provided by their customers to third parties except for legal obligations (for example, by a court order). VİKİNG KAĞIT ve SELÜLOZ A.Ş. and / or Yaşar Group Companies will use this information to the extent that it complies to and is permitted by the legal regulations for the following and similar purposes:

• Sending you printed publications / correspondence,
• Send you press releases or notifications by e-mail,
• Delivering your purchased goods, invoices and / or rewards,
• Campaigns and discounts

Only authorized VİKİNG KAĞIT ve SELÜLOZ A.Ş. and / or Yaşar Group Company personnel, and representatives who have agreed to keep the information confidential can reach the Personal information. VİKİNG KAĞIT ve SELÜLOZ A.Ş. and / or Yaşar Group Companies, use statistical data to improve the website and to have more information about customers in general and to determine the customer profile, without disclosing customer information. This information is not disclosed to third parties. However, without any fault of VİKİNG KAĞIT ve SELÜLOZ A.Ş. and / or Yaşar Group Companies, due to the harm that caused by the access of third parties to these information, VİKİNG KAĞIT ve SELÜLOZ A.Ş. and / or Yaşar Group Companies would not be responsible.

VİKİNG KAĞIT ve SELÜLOZ A.Ş. and / or Yaşar Group Companies do not guarantee that other sites to which customers will go through the links on their sites will comply with the Privacy and Terms of Use of VİKİNG KAĞIT ve SELÜLOZ A.Ş. and / or Yaşar Group Companies. In the event that our site links to other internet-web sites, the terms of use of those sites shall apply to all uses and transactions. VİKİNG KAĞIT ve SELÜLOZ A.Ş. is not responsible for any disputes, material or moral damages and losses that may occur due to the use of information of other websites accessed through our advertisements, banners, content or any other purpose, or due to ethical principles, privacy-security principles, service quality and other practices of the websites.

Customers agree that all orders to be placed are subject to VİKİNG KAĞIT ve SELÜLOZ A.Ş's acceptance; They accept in advance that VİKİNG KAĞIT ve SELÜLOZ A.Ş will not be liable for any unfulfilled orders, including unacceptable orders.

We make no warranties or declarations whether it is open or implied, with respect to the information and content provided through our site, including items used directly or indirectly from our site. Comments and information sent to the site is not intended to be of the nature of advice that should be trusted. We do not accept any responsibility for errors or defects on the site. Decisions based on the information and opinions contained on the site are the sole responsibility of the Customer.

All intellectual, industrial and proprietary rights (except those belonging to third parties in accordance with the agreement with VİKİNG KAĞIT ve SELÜLOZ A.Ş.) belong to VİKİNG KAĞIT ve SELÜLOZ A.Ş. in terms of all information, content and the arrangement and partial / full use of the information on our website. No Material on the website may be changed, copied, reproduced, translated, re-published, uploaded, mailed, transmitted, presented or distributed, including code and software, without prior permission and citation. All or part of the website may not be used without permission on another website. Contrary acts require legal and criminal liability. VİKİNG KAĞIT ve SELÜLOZ A.Ş. reserves all other rights not expressly stated herein.

In the event that the Membership system is used, the Customer accepts that he/she is personally responsible for any and all transactions with the username or registered e-mail address given to them by VİKİNG KAĞIT ve SELÜLOZ A.Ş.; and that only one e-mail can be appointed for each username created in VİKİNG KAĞIT ve SELÜLOZ A.Ş.; that the defined e-mail address cannot be changed; that a new e-mail address can only be identified if a new user is created on “Our Site”.

If the membership system is used, the password is only within the user's knowledge. If the user password is forgotten, VİKİNG KAĞIT ve SELÜLOZ A.Ş. will send a link to the registered e-mail address of the user on request to create a new password. Setting and protecting the password is the sole responsibility of the user. VİKİNG KAĞIT ve SELÜLOZ A.Ş. are not responsible for the problems and / or damages that may arise from the use of the password. VİKİNG KAĞIT ve SELÜLOZ A.Ş. may temporarily suspend or stop the operation of the system at any time. Therefore, VİKİNG KAĞIT ve SELÜLOZ A.Ş. shall have no liability to its users or third parties.

VİKİNG KAĞIT ve SELÜLOZ A.Ş. has the authority to back up and delete some or all of the files and messages to be kept in the environment during the users' usage of the system at appropriate intervals. VİKİNG KAĞIT ve SELÜLOZ A.Ş. shall not be held responsible for backup and deletion processes.

VİKİNG KAĞIT ve SELÜLOZ A.Ş. may make changes in the application of these Privacy and Terms of Use in order to comply with the technical requirements and legislation that may arise in the future and may change the existing articles or add new ones. Please check these Privacy and Terms of Use regularly to be informed of any changes we make. If you continue to use our site, you will be deemed to have accepted these changes. If you do not agree to these changes, you should not use our Site.

We do not warrant that our site is free from bugs and / or viruses, and do not make any declarations or commitments. Customer is responsible for ensuring that appropriate anti-virus software is installed.

VİKİNG KAĞIT ve SELÜLOZ A.Ş. and Yaşar Group Companies shall not be held liable for any direct, special, indirect or incidental damages caused by the Customer in connection with the use of, or the failure to use of, or the results of the use of the Site or the websites linked to our Site and the materials sent to the Site.

For further information you can consult VİKİNG KAĞIT ve SELÜLOZ A.Ş. at +90 232 616 06 00 numbered phone or e-mail address.

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